Dark Chocolate Mousse

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Course Dessert
Servings 4


  • 3 Eggs
  • 110 g White Sugar
  • 60 ml Full Cream Milk
  • 240 g Dark Chocolate roughly chopped
  • 500 ml Fresh Cream


  • In a large mixing bowl, add in your eggs, sugar and milk.
  • Place a large pot with water over a high heat on your stove.
  • Once the water has come to a boil, place your large mixing bowl over the large pot of boiling water for 5 minutes (this process is called a double boiler).
  • Switch off the heat, but do not remove your mixing bowl from the pot. Using your Russell Hobbs Royal Hand Mixer, beat your egg mixture for 8 minutes on a medium speed of 3. You are looking for a thick consistency.
  • n a small mixing bowl, add in your chocolate.
  • Place a small saucepan with water over a medium heat on your stove,
  • Once the water has come to a boil, place your small mixing bowl over the small saucepan and allow the chocolate to melt for 8 minutes.
  • Remove your egg mixture and melted chocolate from the stove and set aside to cool for 2 minutes.
  • In a medium mixing bowl, using your Russell Hobbs Royal Hand Mixer, beat your cream until you achieve stiff peaks on a medium speed of 3. Beat for approximately 5-7 minutes
  • Once your melted chocolate and egg mixture has cooled, fold the two mixtures together using a silicone spatula. Gently fold your whipped cream with your chocolate mixture until well combined.
  • Portion your chocolate mousse into 4 ramekins/dessert bowls and transfer to the fridge for 30 minutes to set.
  • Remove from the fridge, serve and enjoy!
  • Chef’s tip: You can substitute dark chocolate with milk or white chocolate. Top your chocolate mousse with crushed chocolate or fresh cream.

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