Glazed Doughnuts

Prep Time 1 hour 35 minutes
Cook Time 6 minutes
Course Dessert
Servings 8


  • 1 Tsp Dry Active Yeast
  • ¼ Cup Warm Water
  • ¼ Cup Sugar
  • 2 Cups Flour
  • Pinch Salt
  • ¼ Full Cream Milk
  • 2 Tbsp butter Melted
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Cup Icing Sugar
  • 4-5 Tsp Water


  • In a small bowl stir together the water, yeast and ½ tsp sugar and leave to foam for 5 minutes
  • Combine the flour, salt and remaining sugar in a bowl
  • Add the yeast mixture, milk, butter and egg and mix well until a soft dough
  • On a floured surface knead the dough until smooth
  • Transfer dough into an oiled bowl, cover and let rise for 1 hour or until doubled in volume
  • Turn dough onto floured surface, roll and cut out doughnuts
  • Let doughnuts rest for 30 minutes then place in the air fryer 160°c for 6 minutes
  • Mix the water and icing sugar together then pour over cooled doughnuts
  • Serve immediately

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